Telaah Teknologi Dalam Tinjauan Terminologis: Relevansi Teknologi Dalam Konsepsi Jaques Ellul Di Masa Kini

  • Juliantika Juliantika Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Cibiru
  • Syahla Rizkia Putri Nur’insyani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Cibiru
Keywords: Technological Progress, The Impact Of Technological Progress, Technology In Jaques Ellul's Conception


In the 21st century, the development of communication and information technology has expanded to various sectors. The development of this technology has a good impact on human life, but on the other hand, the development of technology has a bad impact on human life, because technology can affect a person's personality and has the potential for addiction in the use of technology which can reduce human ability to think. In the field of philosophy, there is a philosopher named Jacques Ellul who explains what actually happens between humans and technology. Thus, this article will discuss the relevance of technology in Jaques Ellul's conception today. The method used in writing this article is using a qualitative approach with literature studies based on several scientific journals, electronic books and other sources whose accuracy has been confirmed. The results of this research describe that current technological developments can change all human habits. This is relevant to the discussion of technology in Jaques Ellul's conception.


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How to Cite
Juliantika Juliantika, & Syahla Rizkia Putri Nur’insyani. (2023). Telaah Teknologi Dalam Tinjauan Terminologis: Relevansi Teknologi Dalam Konsepsi Jaques Ellul Di Masa Kini. Education : Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Dan Pendidikan, 4(1), 58-67.